Wednesday, September 27, 2006

翻译[2006.9.21][Obituary]Oriana Fallaci


Oriana Fallaci

Sep 21st 2006From The Economist print edition

Oriana Fallaci, journalist and fighter, died on September 15th, aged 77
Oriana Fallaci,一位记者,一名斗士,于9月15日安详往生,享年77岁

FAINTHEARTS may prefer not to say that the West is at war with terror. But Oriana Fallaci, Italy's fiercest and most famous journalist, had no doubt at all. She felt it “at nine o'clock on the dot” on the morning of September 11th 2001, in her brownstone house in the middle of Manhattan, before she had heard or seen anything she could put a finger on: “the sensation one feels in war, as a matter of fact in combat, when with every pore of your skin you feel the incoming bullet or rocket, and your ears perk up and you scream to those next to you: ‘Down! Get down!’”
也许懦夫们不愿意称西方世界正处于和恐怖主义的战争之中。但是Oriana Fallaci,这位意大利最尖锐凶猛,最有名气的记者坚信事实的确如此。在2001年9月11日的上午“9点整”,在曼哈顿中心的上流豪宅里,在她弄明白究竟怎么回事之前,她体会到 “那种感觉就像在战争中,近一步,更像是处于搏斗时一个人的感触,你皮肤上的每一个毛孔都感到呼啸而来的子弹或火箭,你竖起耳朵并对周围的人喊道:‘趴下!快!快趴下!’”。

Years of experience had primed her for this moment. Her teenage work as a resistance fighter in and around Nazi-occupied Florence, codename “Emilia”, carrying messages and explosives. Reporting from war zones in South America, the Middle East and Vietnam, where a note on her rucksack instructed that her body should be sent to the Italian ambassador “if KIA”. Near-death in the Mexico City massacre of 1968, shot and left lying among heaps of dead beside an “execution wall”. Her waif-like body, with perfect cheekbones and hair sometimes plaited like a schoolgirl's, suggested that she lacked the strength for this sort of life. But she was a tiger.

Anyone who doubted that had only to be interviewed by her. From the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s she sought out the powerful, collecting such a string of famous pelts that in the end they jostled to be asked. At first she played feminine and demure; then, pouncing and insulting, she would rip out the innards of her victims. She made Henry Kissinger admit that he saw himself as a lone cowboy leading the herd, and drew from Pakistan's Zulfiqar Bhutto such words about India that peace between the two countries was held up for a time. Meeting Ayatollah Khomeini, she appeared barefoot and in a chador; but before long that “medieval rag” was flung boldly off, sending him scuttling away.
怀疑这一点的人真应该去接受她的采访。从上世纪60年代中期到80年代中期,她专挑那些有权势有地位的专政者,这些名人最后都恨不得逃出她的质问。从一开始的文雅端庄,逐渐过渡到尖锐犀利,她能让她的受害者气急败坏。让亨利基辛格承认自己是一个孤独的放牧人,还让巴基斯坦的Zulfiqar Bhutto总理透露与印度的和平只是暂时的。会见Ayatollah Khomeini[注释1]时,她赤着脚,身着chador[注释2];但是没过多久,她就大胆地把那件“中世纪的抹布”脱掉了,臊得那位精神领袖急忙离开。

Men of this sort, “abusers of power”, both fascinated and repelled her. She dwelled on Yasser Arafat's swollen belly and his red, fleshy lips; she thought Khomeini the most handsome old man she had ever seen. As she talked to Werner von Braun, a former Nazi who was then directing America's space programme, she realised that his sweet-sour smell was the same lemon disinfectant soap used by the Nazis in Florence.
她对这类“滥权者”,既着迷又憎恶。她仔细打量过亚西尔?阿拉法特那挺起来的肚子和红厚的嘴唇;她认为Khomeini[注释1]是她见过的最有魅力的老男人。当她和前纳粹成员后来主导过美国空间开发项目的Werner von Braun[注释3]交谈时,她发现他身上的甜酸型香味和佛罗伦萨纳粹党用的柠檬香皂一个味道。

She could always sniff out tyranny, and after that September morning in Manhattan, she knew definitively where it lay. Suddenly she was in the front line again, solid with her adored America against the Muslim enemy. “Duty to her culture” required her to write for hours at a stretch in furious isolation, living on cigarillos and on her nerves, to produce books called “The Rage and the Pride” and “The Force of Reason”, her “weapons of truth”.

The real enemy
It was a strange sort of truth. On every page, legitimate fears for democracy and liberty were laced with nonsense and bile. Moderate Islam, she wrote, did not exist. Islam was “a pool that never purifies”. All Muslims were bent on invading Europe and turning it into a “Eurabia” of veiled women and sharia law. Assimilation was a delusion; they did not want it. Already Miss Fallaci had heard the wailing of imams in the hills of Tuscany, and had seen Somali urine staining the Baptistery in Florence. Soon, she supposed, Muslim men would “shit in the Sistine Chapel”.

Anti-racism groups flew to indict her; defenders of free speech somewhat cautiously embraced her. Right-wing mayors of Italian towns gave her gold medals. Her books sold in the millions, and when she died she was delightedly facing trial for defaming a religion. Although she was an atheist, she had found a “soul-mate” in Pope Benedict XVI, and would have revelled in his unwise words about Islam.

For her, the enemy was always essentially the same: “fascism”, whether in the shape of Mussolini's black-shirts or Islamist suicide-bombers. But tyranny also appeared in another guise. Her real obsession, she admitted, was death.

They had tussled for a long time. Her great love, Alex Panagoulis, a leader of Greek resistance to the colonels, died in 1976 in a car crash possibly rigged by his enemies. She had lost his child in pregnancy. At 16 she chose a writer's life because typed words did not die, like talk, but stayed on the paper. She reported wars to express her hatred for man's mortality.
许多事情折磨了她很久。她的最爱,希腊抵抗运动领导人Alex Panagoulis死于1976年的一起车祸,那很可能是一起政治谋杀。妊娠期间她失去了自己的孩子。16岁的她,踏上了作家之路,因为文字与口头对话一样永存,不同的是文字留传于纸。她报道战事,为的是表达自己对生灵涂炭那刻骨的痛恨。

Her fight against “the Other One”, as she called her cancer, was a war like no other. She forbade her doctors to mention death; they were to talk to her about life. Reduced to taking only fluids, she would drink champagne. Nothing was allowed to diminish her energy for writing, cooking and leaping from her chair with a scream of “Mamma Mia!” at the folly of the world.
她还与“另一样东西”作斗争,她说那是她的癌症,一场迥然不同的战争。她不许自己的医生提及死亡;只准和她探讨生活。当病情恶化到只能吃流食的程度时,她宁愿去喝香槟。[原来我译成了:当谈及流逝的事物时,为了让话题仅限于此,她会要一杯香槟。]没有什么事情能够被允许去熄灭她对写作,烹饪的热情,以及从椅子上蹦起来傻乎乎的尖叫到“Mamma Mia!”。

Yet her own death was not her chief concern. She mourned the slow death of Western civilisation, its lack of pride and self-esteem, its cowardice before the Muslim “hordes”. If terrorists were prepared to die for Islam, she would have the passion to oppose them. Her words carried the ring of deliberate provocation, challenging the Islamists to put a fatwa on her and raise a sword to behead her. In which case, before the bastards dared, she would toss back her hair, fix them with a glare and declare, in her best Italian snarl, “Fuck you.”
自己的死还不是她最关心的。她悲痛地咕哝着,西方文明中的某些东西消退的太慢,那缺乏自豪,自尊和自身优越感,以及对穆斯林“乌合之众”到来前的懦弱。如果恐怖分子准备好了为伊斯兰而死,她也会满腔热情地去与这些人一决雌雄。她的言词中带有蓄意的挑衅,挑逗着伊斯兰教徒对她进行裁决并亲自剑刃其首。在这种关头下,在那些杂种们下手之前,她会甩好自己的长发,怒目而视,用她操持的最熟练的意大利语怒吼到“Fuck You!”

[1].Ayatollah Khomeini(A.O.R.M.Khomeini,1902?1989)伊朗伊斯兰教什叶派领袖、伊朗最高首脑。
[3].沃纳?冯?布劳恩(Wernher von Braun,1912年3月23日?1977年6月16日),德国火箭专家。著名的V1和V2火箭的总设计师。纳粹德国战败后,美国将他和他的设计小组带到美国。移居美国后,任美国国家航空航天局的空间研究开发项目的主设计师,主持设计了阿波罗4号。

Sunday, September 24, 2006

翻译[2006.09.21]A meaty question

A meaty question
Sep 21st 2006From The Economist print edition
Biotechnology: Meat grown in vats, rather than in the form of animals, could soon be on the menu. It might even be healthier and better for you

IF YOU have ever longed for a meat substitute that smelt and tasted like the real thing, but did not involve killing an animal, then your order could be ready soon. Researchers believe it will soon be possible to grow cultured meat in quantities large enough to offer the meat industry an alternative source of supply.

Growing muscle cells (the main component of meat) in a nutrient broth is easy. The difficulty is persuading those cells to form something that resembles real meat. Paul Kosnik, the head of engineering at a firm called Tissue Genesis, is hoping to do it by stretching the cells with mechanical anchors. This encourages them to form small bundles surrounded by connective tissue, an arrangement similar to real muscle.
让有营养的肉汤熬着发达的肌肉细胞很简单。难点是,怎样让这些细胞聚集起来形成类似真实的肉。Tissue Genesis 公司的工程技术负责人Paul Kosnik,希望用机械栓把这些细胞拉长。这样做会促使这些细胞生成包裹在结缔组织上的小肌肉纤维束,就像真实肌肉的组织机理。

Robert Dennis, a biomedical engineer at the University of North Carolina, believes the secret of growing healthy muscle tissue in a laboratory is to understand how it interacts with its surroundings. In nature, tissues exist as elements in a larger system and they depend on other tissues for their survival. Without appropriate stimuli from their neighbours they degenerate. Dr Dennis and his team have been working on these neighbourly interactions for the past three years and report some success in engineering two of the most important?those between muscles and tendons, and muscles and nerves.
北卡罗莱那大学的生物医学工程师Robert Dennis ,他相信在实验室里培养健康肌肉组织的奥秘可以揭示肌肉组织是如何与其周边环境相互作用的。归根结底,组织还是在更大的生理系统中以组成元素的形式存在着,并且依靠其他组织维系生存。离开了合适的虚拟环境,这些组织就会退化。Dennis博士和他的团队在过去三年中一直在探究这些与周边组织相互作用的机理,并且在工程上成功发表了两个方面的重要成果------肌肉与腱,肌肉与神经。

At the Touro College School of Health Sciences in New York, Morris Benjaminson and his team are working on removing living tissue from fish, and then growing it in culture. This approach has the advantage that the tissue has a functioning system of blood vessels to deliver nutrients, so it should be possible to grow tissue cultures more than a millimetre thick?the current limit.
在纽约Toura大学的健康科学学院,Morris Benjaminson和他的团队从鱼身上分离活性组织,并且把它们培养到人工环境当中去。这种方法的优点是,组织有一个输送养分功能的血管系统,这样它就可以在人工环境中生长出超过厘米数量级的厚度------这也是现今生长的极限。

Henk Haagsman, a meat scientist at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, is trying to make minced pork from cultured stem cells with the backing of Stegeman, a sausage company. It could be used in sausages, burgers and sauces.
荷兰Utrecht 大学的肉类科学家Henk Haagsman正在试图从Stegeman香肠公司得到对其碎块猪肉的支持,这些猪肉块源于人工生长的细胞。这种材料可以用到香肠,汉堡和沙司中去。

But why would anyone want to eat cultured meat, rather than something freshly slaughtered and just off the bone? One answer, to mix metaphors, is that it would allow vegetarians to have their meatloaf and eat it too. But the sausage-meat project suggests another reason: hygiene. As Ingrid Newkirk of PETA, an animal-rights group, puts it, “no one who considers what's in a meat hot dog could genuinely express any revulsion at eating a clean cloned meat product.”
然而,为什么一个人想要食用人工的,而不是刚宰了并剔骨后的新鲜的肉类呢?含糊的说,这样可以让素食者们拥有并享用他们理想的肉块。但是香肠肉类工程还有另外一个原因:卫生。正如动物权利组织PETA的Ingrid Newkrik指出的:“想到热狗里面的肉原来是什么的时候,没有人会在心底里反对食用干净的科隆肉类制品”。

Cultured meat could be grown in sterile conditions, avoiding Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter and other nasties. It could also be made healthier by adjusting its composition?introducing heart-friendly omega-3 fatty acids, for example. You could even take a cell from an endangered animal and, without threatening its extinction, make meat from it. Giant-panda steak, anyone?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

翻译[2006.9.07][Book & Art]For him the bell tolled


No man is an island,
entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
as well as if a promontory were,
as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were:
any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind,
and, therefore,
never send to know for whom the bells tolls;
it tolls for thee.
  ------John Donne ( 李敖译 )

--- John Donne
English poetry

For him the bell tolled

Sep 7th 2006From The Economist print edition

THE thrill of discovering John Donne's deliriously inventive “Songs and Sonnets” is one of the great perks of turning up to English lessons at school. Those who wish to learn more about the life of the Renaissance poet have several biographies to choose from, including this new one by John Stubbs. Donne wrote “No man is an Island”, and Mr Stubbs carefully explains that we can understand him “not by treating him as an island, but by seeing his place on the volatile island he inhabited”.
感到John Donne疯狂创作的《韵文与十四行诗》所带来的震撼,是在学校上英语课时最精彩,最活跃的部分之一。那些希望对文艺复兴时期的诗人生活有深入了解的人,可以选几本自传来看看,其中就包括了John Stubbs的一本新作。Donne创作了“没有人是孤岛”,Stubbs先生细致地解释到,我们要这样理解Donne “不要把他看作孤岛,而把他生活的地方看作是定居在动荡不安的岛屿上”。

He was born in London in 1572. His father was a successful ironmonger. His mother was much grander, a descendant of the martyred Sir Thomas More, and he was raised a Roman Catholic at a time of fervent post-Reformation Protestantism. He went up to Oxford aged 12, which was not unusual at the time, especially for Catholic children. Later, as a law student at the Inns of Court, he earned a reputation as a poet, wit and ladies' man.
1572年Donne生于伦敦。他父亲是一个成功的五金商。母亲更显要,是烈士Thomas More的后裔。在轰轰烈烈的英国国教后改革时期,他成长为了罗马天主教徒。他12岁就去了牛津,这在那个时候可不寻常,特别是对于天主教的孩子们。其后,作为一个在伦敦四法学院的法律系学生,他赢得了一个诗人,创作智者和女人迷的名誉。

Donne may, as Mr Stubbs believes, have joined two naval expeditions, to Cadiz and the Azores. In 1598 he became secretary to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, Sir Thomas Egerton. But his promising career at court hit the buffers when he secretly married his boss's niece, Ann. “John Donne, Ann Donne, undone” he is said to have written on the back of a door on their wedding day. And so they were.
Stubbs先生相信,Donne可能参加过两次海军远征队,到过加的斯和亚述儿群岛。1598年,他成为了国玺看护人Thomas Egerton爵士的秘书。但是,当他偷偷地和老板的侄女Ann结婚后,他那有前途的律师职业就触礁了。他说,在婚礼那天要把“John Donne,Ann Donne,未完成”写到门背后。结果他们真的是没有将婚姻进行到底。

His father-in-law failed to get the marriage declared illegal but found other ways to make the couple's life miserable. For nearly a decade Donne struggled to support his wife and their many children. The chapters dealing with these unhappy years are the most impressive in the book.

Donne was 43 when he agreed to be ordained in the Protestant church. He was awarded a doctorate in divinity by Cambridge and spent his last ten years as Dean of St Paul's. “For almost 60 years Donne had survived by altering,” Mr Stubbs sums up. “He had transformed himself from a closeted Catholic, as boy and youth, to a government secretary; from social outcast, after he married, to a pillar of the community, as a priest; from avant-garde poet, in his writing, to popular preacher.”
Donne43岁时同意英国国教教会的任命,在国教教堂中任职。他被剑桥授予了神学博士学位,并且在生命中的最后十年里担任圣保罗大教堂的教长。Stubbs 概括道:“近60年的岁月中,Donne命运多舛”。“他生命中的角色转换包括:从故步自封的天主教少年男孩,到一个政府官员;从婚后的社会遗弃者,到一个社区的核心牧师;从他写作当中的前卫诗人,到一个广受欢迎的传教士”。

The book's main points are uncontroversial: that Donne is best understood in the context of his time and place; that although he adapted to changing circumstances, he remained true to himself; and that he was always keenly aware of death. Consequently, Mr Stubbs does not offer a new Donne, but does offer a fairly thorough account of the one we know.

The trouble is that his biography seems to have been written with both a popular and a scholarly readership in mind. This gives rise to a couple of problems. One is the oddly mixed tone. There is a frequent crunching of gears as Mr Stubbs shifts between a conversational and a more highfalutin' register. A much bigger problem is his decision to shy away from sustained discussion of Donne's poetry as poetry. Poems are quoted and paraphrased but Mr Stubbs offers next to nothing in the way of analysis. Did his publisher think this would put off ordinary readers? If so, it is more than a missed trick. There is little in these 500-plus pages to remind readers of the astonishing vibrancy and strangeness of Donne's poetic imagination.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

It a little bit long

I haven't written for a little bit long. There is so much too say, but so few words that i can choose.
There is uncertainty and unexpectation, but interesting and made me feeling warm.
Love is an eternal topic that never fade with time passes by.
I wish the ones i love so much could live happily.
You know whom i am talking about, it's you!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lightly frustrated

How it comes about that the trivials confused me? If one never go through difficulties, he never achieves. Yet the trivials are not questions after all. In fact, the problems of all this is that the frustration is not real but fictitious.

Blue days. Destined period.

Monday, September 11, 2006

More actions, Less decisions

Achievement needs actions more than decisions.
Remind myself what is the goal.
Encourage myself everyday.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

翻译 [2006.09.07]Letters


On newspapers, Europe and Israel, MI6, Ethiopia and Somalia, corruption scores, Turkey, China, think-tanks

Sep 7th 2006From

Read all about it
SIR ? The sensationalist headline to your leader on the newspaper industry was more suited to a tabloid than the reasoned pages of The Economist (“
Who killed the newspaper?”, August 26th). To borrow a line from the great newspaperman Samuel Clemens, the reports of our death are greatly exaggerated. There is no denying that the entire media industry is grappling with tectonic change. And it is true that people of all ages are increasingly using online sources to access news. But you gave short shrift to the fact that in many cases those online visitors are reading content written and posted by the staffs at the websites of mainstream daily newspapers.
Who killed the newspaper?”, August 26th)应该更适合于小报纸,而不应该出现在经济学人这样满是理由充分论述详尽的媒体上。借用著名的新闻工作者Samuel Clemens的一句话,那些有关我们报纸业衰亡的报告过都言过其词了。不可否认,整个媒体业都正在努力适应这种结构上的变化。的确,人们在逐渐的利用网络资源阅读新闻。可是,你却没有对这样的一个事实给予足够的关注,很多情况下,网络读者所阅读的内容都是由那些主流日报的网站工作人员撰写和发布的。

Our data show that local dailies and their websites are a potent combination, capturing a commanding share of the audience for local news and information. That combination is shoring up the total newspaper audience, enabling newspapers to increase their revenue from advertisers. The real-estate ad category?one that you cited as a leading indicator of newspapers' supposed demise?rose by 18.5% in the second quarter compared with a year ago. Yes, our audiences' habits are changing, but around the world newspapers are proving remarkably adaptable and remain attractive to investors whose time horizons extend beyond the next quarter.
John Sturm
President, Newspaper Association of America
Vienna, Virginia

SIR ? Just as the pulpit was the medium through which the medieval church broadcast its vision of a unified Christendom, so the national newspaper is the medium through which the nation-state has projected its vision of national identity. Newspapers are the glue that help hold the state together. With that glue now dissolving, the traditional concept of national identity is falling apart. It is attacked from below by demands for devolution and from above by supranational confederations, such as the EU and NAFTA. Historians may come to see the decline of the newspaper as the death-knell for the nation-state as we knew it.
Stephen Morris
Coorparoo, Australia

About the past
SIR ? The history of the traumatic and complex relationship between Europeans and the ancestors of today's Israelis helps explain why Europe has “become so reflexively anti-Israel” (“
To Israel with hate?and guilt”, August 19th). This relationship can be characterised as a tragic love affair on the Jewish part, which was met with a deep phobia by Europe. During the Enlightenment Jews joined their fellow Europeans in the process of modernisation and secularization, hoping they would, at last, be accepted by European society. But they were painfully betrayed. Johann Fichte, the German philosopher, saw no other solution but to cut off their heads or “to conquer for them their promised land and to pack them off there.” Demands that “Jews get out, go back to Palestine”, were made in the Hungarian parliament and proposals to “deport them to their ancient kingdom” echoed all over fin-de-siècle Europe, including Paris. In fact Israel may not have come to exist were it not for Europe, as Zionism was born out of frustrated hopes and despair on the continent.
先生-横亘在欧洲和当今以色列祖先之间的历史创伤与复杂关系,可以解释欧洲为什么“变得如此自发的反犹太” (“
To Israel with hate?and guilt”, August 19th)。这种关系可以从犹太人的角度上,刻画成一种悲剧式的恋爱事件,在欧洲它遇到了一种严重的恐怖症。启蒙运动期间,犹太人和欧洲人一起加入了现代化和国家脱离宗教控制的过程,他们希望世界,至少是欧洲社会能接受他们。然而他们却被痛苦的背叛了。德国哲学家Johann Fichte,觉得要么把这些犹太人的头砍下来,要么“占领他们应得的土地并把他们打发走”,除此之外和他们相处别无他法。匈牙利国会曾经有人要求“犹太人滚出去,滚回巴勒斯坦”,还有提案“把他们驱逐回他们远古的王国去”。那时,包括巴黎在内的整个世纪末的欧洲都回荡着这样得声音。而事实上,如果不是欧洲的话,以色列还建不了国,就如犹太复国主义的诞生不是因为在那片大陆上的失望和绝望一样。
Rachel Elboim-Dror
Professor emeritus of education and culture
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

SIR ? An independent Jewish state that is capable of defending itself contradicts both classic Christian and radical Islamic perceptions of Jews in history. Classic Christianity perceived Jews as victims, witnesses to the victory of the cross. Fundamentalist Islam cannot tolerate a non-Muslim state in the Middle East, a region which it views as the kingdom of Allah. Both religions have difficulty accepting Israeli soldiers protecting their worshippers as the Star of David flutters over Jerusalem.
Shimon Arbel
Haifa, Israel

Careers advice
SIR ? You claimed that MI6 has rejected online recruitment (“
Salute the spooks”, August 19th). In fact, MI6, (the Secret Intelligence Service?SIS), moved to full online recruitment in April through our website, which was launched with an extensive careers section in October 2005. Our aim is to make the application process accessible to the widest possible range of recruits by openly advertising careers in the SIS (the first advert appeared in The Economist in April). The feedback from candidates has been positive and the decision to go online is already paying dividends in the form of a significant increase in applications and a more diverse pool of applicants?currently 18% of those attending for interview are from ethnic minority backgrounds.
Salute the spooks”, August 19th)。而事实上,M16(机密智能服务---SIS)的网上招聘在4月份的时候全部迁移到了我们的网站,而且在2005年10月启用了一个额外的职业选项。我们的目的是在SIS(第一篇展示登在经济学人4月刊)提供开放式的职业展示,让最广泛的应聘者容易的完成申请过程。申请人的反馈是正面的,把招聘放在网上的决定已经让个人应聘者的数量显著增加了,而且申请者的背景也变得多样化---现在有18%参加面试的应聘者是少数种族。
Head of recruitment
Secret Intelligence Service

Ethiopia's security
SIR ? You attempted to discredit our democratic process by coupling it to Ethiopia's principled stand on the political danger unfolding in Somalia (“
The path to ruin”, August 12th). Our elections are not “dodgy”. For the first time in Ethiopia's history almost a third of seats were won by opposition parties and around 115 seats now have female MPs. A national democratic process is advancing smoothly with dialogue between the ruling party and all political parties. Given that Somalia's Union of Islamic Courts, which seeks to govern the whole of Somalia, has declared a jihadist war on Ethiopia, my country is concerned about its national interest and security, as well as that of the region, and the impetus of these concerns is not a design to win America's friendship. Ethiopia has suffered terrorist attacks from jihadists, who have killed civilians and destroyed property, including an assassination attempt on our minister of transport.
The path to ruin”, August 12th)。我们的选举不是“骗人的”。埃塞阿比亚历史上的第一次选举,几乎三分之一的席位被反对党赢去了,而且下议院中的105个席位是由女性担任的。全国性的民主进程通过执政党和其他政党间的对话稳步发展。为了寻求统治全索马里,伊斯兰宫廷的索马里联盟已经宣布和埃塞阿比亚开战,一场铲除异教徒的战争。我的国家关注自己的国家利益和安全,以及地区安全,但是这些关切的动力并不是要赢取与美国政府的友好关系。埃塞阿比亚遭受了讨伐异教徒份子的恐怖袭击,他们杀害了平民破坏了人民的财产,他们还曾试图暗杀我们的交通部长。
Berhanu Kebede
Ambassador for Ethiopia

SIR ? When listing the dangers facing the peoples of the Horn of Africa you cited population growth as the “elephant in the corner of the room”. A more apt elephantine expression is found in Swahili: when two elephants fight it is the grass that gets hurt. The people of the Horn are stuck underfoot between failing states, Western diplomats, journalists and donors, none of whom provide long-term sustainable solutions for the region. More practical would be an immediate clan-based mechanism for peace talks in Somalia, a UN-mandated regional boundary-commission that sets final borders, and the arbitration of effective resource management under joint state authority.
Kariuki Kevin Kihara
Washington, DC

More space for parking
SIR ? In international events bronze medallists usually get little attention (“
A ticket for corruption”, August 12th). However, when describing a new corruption ranking based on parking violations by UN diplomats you singled out Chad, the third-highest offender, and ignored Kuwait, the gold winner, which had twice as many infractions. I take solace in finding that my country's diplomats committed zero violations.
A ticket for corruption”, August 12th)。然而,在描写一个新的联合国外交官违规停车的贿赂队伍时,你挑选出了排行第三的乍得湖,而忽略了金牌得主科威特,其违规次数是前者的两倍。令我安慰的是,我们国家的外交官还没有违规过。
Manuel Navas
Bogotá, Colombia

Turkey baiting
SIR ? Why does The Economist seize the opportunity of a terror attack to take a couple of shots at the Turkish tourist economy (“
Resorting to Terror”, August 30th)? Terrorism in Turkey has claimed lives, foreign and local, for decades. But Europeans pay attention when bombs go off in tourist resorts such as Marmaris and Bodrum, which are generally overloaded with Britons. I find it difficult to believe that you condone the European attitude of being concerned only when people other than Turks are murdered. You also describe the PKK as fighting for “an independent Kurdish state”, a sentiment that all but condones the killing of Turks. To us in Turkey, who nearly every week see victims of terrorism, the killing or wounding of a few Britons every five years or so won't be bringing us to tears.
Resorting to Terror”, August 30th)?几十年了,土耳其恐怖主义已经夺走了很多生命,有国外的也有国内的。但是欧洲人只注意到那些旅游胜地的炸弹爆炸,例如经常挤满英国人的Marmaris和Bodrum。欧洲人的态度是只关心土耳其人以外的那些被害者,我发现很难相信你会宽恕这样的态度。你的文章也提到库尔德工人党为建立“一个独立德库尔德人国家”而战,但是却没有宽恕对土耳其人的杀害。对于我们这些身在土耳其的人,基本上每周都能看见恐怖主义的受害者,而英国人差不多每五年才那么几次的被害和流血事件,是不会让我们流下眼泪的。
Yasin Ozturk

Hot air
SIR ? In your article (“
Going deeper green", September 1st) it was irresponsible to mention China as a big source of emissions without additional clarification. Per person, according to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Indicators (CDIAC data set), China is less of an offender than the vast majority of countries in the developed world. It hardly seems fair to reprimand the country's 3.19 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide per person, compared with figures of 9.44 for Britons and 19.82 for Americans. Yes, China’s growth is a huge concern and will pose an enormous strain on the environment, but please attempt to give a more balanced perspective before pointing fingers.
Going deeper green", September 1st)不负责任的,把中国看成是一个不经处理就排放温室气体的主要来源。根据联合国千年发展目标对人均排放标准的指标,与主要的发达国家相比,中国还算不上是一个违规者。英国人每人9.44公吨和美国人每人19.82公吨的数字,让人很难对中国每人3.19公吨二氧化碳的排放量提出合理的诉讼。没错,中国的增长需要很多关注,而且增长也会对它的环境产生巨大的压力,但是,在你数落别人之前,请你先给出一个看问题的平衡的角度。
Cynthia Yeung
Washington, DC

Winging it
SIR ? In your article (“
Richer for poorer”, August 30th) you quote opinions from two American think-tanks, the Urban Institute and the American Enterprise Institute. You call the former a “left-wing think-tank” although they call themselves non-partisan. You call the latter a “free-market think-tank”. In the interest of fairness shouldn't you call the latter “right-wing”? Or has the United States progressed so far rightwards that the right now is the norm?
Richer for poorer”, August 30th)中引用了两类美国智囊团的观点,都市智囊团和美国企业智囊团。你称前者为“左翼智囊团”,尽管他们称自己是超党派的。你称后者是“自由市场智囊团”。为了公平起见,你就不应该称后者为“右翼的”吗?还是美国右倾发展到现在,右已经成为现在的标准了?
Lennart Frantzell
Sunnyvale, California

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Rainy Day

Its' toooo late, and i am so tired.
Tomorrow i will have my post posted.
Have a sweet dream budy!

Friday, September 8, 2006

Draft of self-introduction

I decided to attend the english corner this evening at Xiaoshan park. But an unexpected barbecue pushed me to the DaRunFa shopping mart to buy food for the barbecue dated on tomorrow. This is my draft which i wanted to utter at the park.

I'm glad to be here with you today. This is my first time to speak English here. A little bit nervous indeed. The topic in hand is how to make friends, much the problem that was in my mind when i was coming here. How could i make friends here?
First, let me introduce myself. My name is ZhangLei, Yes! the most common name with which much many baby boys born. And i can tell you that i am not the least amazed when i hear people saying "Uhhh! My high school classmate also name ZhangLei." Honestly, it is weird to sit aside with another guy who has the same name with you. But i'm trying getting along with this.
I graduated from college this June. Latter, i became an employee of a semi-conductor firm anchored in the bonded zone. That is to say i am a newcomer here.
Although i am not confident in my english, i have great passion in improving it. One who doesn't utter his English while thirsts for English skill is a fool. I believe this. With a little work on reading, writing and translation, i do have tasted my literal skill sweet, though it still needs further improvement. My oral English, however, is undeveloped in some extent. That is one of the reasons I come here. I'm seeking for a further promotion of the way i speak and the way i think in English.
Finally, I hope i could share the honour to be one of your friends.
Thank you all very much for your patience!

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Views on relationship

Here is the hyper-link of the posts.

Mine is below:

Jane, definitely!

I have never fallen in love. But careful observations from the relationship of my prarents, my grandparents and of other marriages around me, make me be able to taste what you typed above deeply. Your post probably started from your view of a special everylasting relationship, it's subtle view really.

Consorts owe a lot to each other, much different from that of an adorer who had just fallen in love with the other. It changes after all, like the bilateral relationship between two countries. Quarrels and misunderstanding are inevitable, and we will inevitably ignore the dot which is always negtive to the relationship. And then, they accumulate to such an extent that eventually one burst out with his or her discontentment. Both of them are hurted. It goes with fluctuations all the time, but what makes the difference between marriage and biliteral relationship is love. Love is the tool to heals the wound, is the nature that we all started with when we were still in uterus.

Relationship has a range. From hatred to love, human beings have created different verbs to express. I hate you, i dislike you,...... i like you, i love you.
Love is all what we need, and thoroughly determines the way we see relationship.
say, I love your article, Jane.

My Generation

How many that were studying together of us are happy now?
Rare! We are gregarious animal! But now, each of us is solitary single.
Recently, the responses from my friends showed that there was an atmosphere of sadness. Lack of laughters, lack of collective activities, lack of free talking, lack of whispers from the inner hearts......
If everyone of us had the chance to start over, what were you going to do? I am fine, and i know how to avoid such sadness later on. How about you my friend?

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Few & Many changes in daily life.

Go through the same road, greet people with the same words, dine at the same place. Every minute in the same row flies in the same order these days. Rare changes happened. I do the same after work. Every cell, however, in the same tissue feels much differently recently. It's fresh everyday.

Mizzles told me the time is changed. You should take up your umbrella or raincoat.

I talked with Yuki on QQ yesterday evening. She said she got an english test which was going to pick up the ones who need an extra english lesson before they start their post-graduate years. Although she said it was a happy summer vacation and she had not practised english for a little bit long, i believed that she is good enough. And she is going to get a certification of cicerone. A cicerone is promising in the year of 2008, right? Best regards to her!

Jowen, my colleague, takes in charge of my internship. He works hard, and probably one of the most active and hard working employees in our firm. If there is a girlfriend, he may be happier. Hope he gets his lady soon.

Ture, it's getting cold.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Jane in my eyes

A mother of a smart boy,
a wife of a husband,
a busy employee of this city,
a heart of devotion,
a custom of perserve,
a smile of delight,
and A valuable life of herself.

Smiling as this is one combination of her ID "SmilingJane", notes that she is an optimistic person, who i envy so much.
All these were in my mind whenever i read her post on the forum of newBeiLun. In fact, i have neither got her appearance nor voice in my memory. She is invisable so far for me. But what impressed me most were her enthusiasm, kindness, sincerity and love to her family and friends writen on each of her post. All you can hear from her when you feel sad, nervous, any, are encouragements that only a real friend will give you.

I keep doing some recitations of the lessons from New Concept English iv, though it has become much more difficult for me when i enterred unit 3. I feel good. It's ture that compared with your confidence later on, the difficulties you faced currently are so trivial. With the hard work of the recitations, I tasted my writing a little bit sweet which has been changed a little and i could write something which i really wanna to express. So i wrote her discourteously an email to say that i want her to browse my blog and share her experience. What's more, i wanna be a friend of her, and could communicate with such an attractive learner frequently.

If you stumble across this blog, and if i could enjoy such an honour, i would recommend you a warm heart named "SmilingJane" which i have found so luckily.

Monday, September 4, 2006

A phone call

I got a phone call with my aunt yesterday evening.
If there were something doubtful in my heart, then, after that, i certainly knew one that i should do undoubtedly.
"There are something you can obtain after all, say knowledge, scholar degree and so forth, but there are others that you can try only once, say people's impression, good relations with your colleagues, supervisors and others... ..." said my aunt "Don't draw on your knowledge or skills, but try to hear what others' thought and help them do something so as to give them a good impression. People are the most important of all. You should be more communicative. And i do not think a further scholar degree would help you doing well in your future as long as you can keep working hard and stay hungry for knowledge."
This touched me, and changed my mind.
I will still try courting a master degree, but i see it as a course to promote myself whether i can achieve finally.

Sunday, September 3, 2006


Brief introduction: XiaoShan English Corner, a comfortable language learning and social-networking platform for local inhabitants, came to existance in july 2002 with a running expense support from peony community, Beilun, Ningbo.

(2)、位置:明州路南侧, 新老板娘大酒店南面,新世纪花园东面,英语角位于公园西面,即从西门进,右侧经走廓,临池最大一间即是(墙壁有英语角标志及相关活动照片);
Location: XiaoShan Park is on the southern side of MingZhou Road, facing straight to New Landlady Hotel and sitting on the east of Garden New Century. Our English corner inside the park adjoins the pool and is the biggest camp alike hall, which you can be lead by the right hand corridor of western entrance (there are Corner’s label and pictures hanging on the wall obviously).

(3)方式:出入自由,不需任何手续、经费,唯一需要的是你的真诚与参与。通常每次聚会分为自由交谈与主题讨论两阶段;(时逢节日或晴好日子朋友们会一起举办 Party 或郊游)
Requirement of joining in: It is FREE of charge, but your sincerity, enthusiasm and devotion are the tickets. Usually, we get two parts, the free conversation and themed topic (Parties and outings are also included on feast days or when good weather comes across).

Time for activity: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm every friday

You are welcome, 欢迎每位英语爱好者的加入!
Anyone who has a great passion in language learning is highly regarded to join us, and you are welcome at any time.

Detailed introduction of XiaoShan English Corner

Popped out with the vigorous china’s reforms, Beilun district of Ningbo city(also named as Ningbo economic and technological development zone), even in the whole economic area of lower reaches of Yangtze delta, is a portal of reform and openning-up gravitated huge investment from the globe. With 20 years of rapid growth, Beilun district has turnned out to be a modernized port which is well infrastructured as well as leading a living of civilization.

新矸镇牡丹社区位于北仑区政治、经济、文化中心的新矸镇, 是是浙江省文明社区。近年来,该社区越来越多的居民为提高自身文化素质、更好地适应改革开发的新形势纷纷学习英语、法语等外语,迫切需要社区提供一个外语学习交流的平台。为此,2002年7月,由牡丹社区发起并提供日常经费支持的小山公园英语角正式成立。
Peony community stands in XinGan town, Beilun’s core area of politics, economy and culture. It is laurelled as civilized community in Zhejiang province. In recent years, more and more inhabitants settled here are realising the need and importance of foreign languages are becoming more and more serious in their daily lives, both for self promotion and the new trend of being engaged in the world. People need a platform to communicate in foreign languages or exchange their experience and share their learning skills. At this point, Peony community launched a programme to set up an English Corner and provided it fare of running expense, the result was the XiaoShan English Corner’s erection.

The tenet is:

(1) 营造外语学习的良好氛围,为社区居民提供一个轻松良好的英语学习外语(特别是英语)的平台;
(1).To forge the touchable atmosphere of language learning(mainly focus on English issues), in order to provide a comfortable platform for local learners.

(2) 丰富社区居民业余生活,为大家提供一个清新、健康的交友平台,一个奉献爱心、互帮互助的桥梁;(2).To make local living of spare time rich, and give A fresh, fine social net-working place as well as bidge between the warm hearts.

(3).To open a window for foreigners and give them another choice to get a deeper understanding of China and its people. Further more, make the friendship more tighter.

Delightful festival after effort(这句瞎翻译的). For four year, XiaoShan English Corner has held much many activities, totals up to nearly two hundred times. Highlights are below:

(1).Sites, such as and, are used to facilitate the communication among the members. And volunteers will collect information from the sites and discuss the topics with others there.

(2).Every Friday, from seven pm to nine pm, there will be activities for language fans. Often, the party consists of two parts, free conversation and themed topic, the themed topic is generally focused on foreign and domestic politics, economy, culture and so forth. Sometimes, foreigners will be invited to make it more active and more real.

(3) 热心参与北仑团区委和北仑区志愿者协会的系列活动,特别是积极为2005年中国女排在北仑主赛区的外语志愿者服务。2005年3月26日北仑外语志愿者基地在牡丹社区小山公园英语角挂牌成立,牡丹社区小山公园英语角作为北仑外语志愿者基地配合区北仑团区委和北仑区志愿者协会开展了一系列外语志愿者宣传、招聘及信息整理及赛事外语志愿服务工作,引得一致好评。
(3).We were engaged in participating activities held by Beilun district committee and Beilun district association of volunteers, especially during the home games of the national team of woman vollyball in 2005. On march 26th 2005, Beilun Foreign Language Base of Volunteers was set up at XiaoShan English Corner. Being as a volunteer organization for language service, handed with Beilun district committee and Beilun district association together, we started a series of language volunteer introductions, offering volunteer positions and pucking up the works on language service of the games.

(4)在牡丹社区的大力支持下,英语角定期可不定期组织大家举办 各种聚会或郊游。如:春节写对联、圣诞新年晚会、七夕晚会、英语角周年庆祝晚会、儿童烧烤聚餐、端午节包粽子、乐器演奏表演,春季踏春、夏天观海、秋季登山、冬天赏雪,迎女排摄影展与专题英语讲座.
(4).With an effective support from the local administration, the Corner can now hold virious activities nonscheduled. Such like:Writing couplets, Christmas party, Chinese Saint Valentine’s Day, Corner’s anniversary party, Children’s barbecue, dragon boat festival(包粽子怎么说啊*_*), spring outing, summer sea observing, fall climbing, winter snow sight-seeing, picture show of the vollyball team and english specialised lecture.(其实这句话说得有些不合逻辑,比如不定期举办圣诞晚会就让我不舒服了)

由于活动持之以恒,节目丰富多彩, 牡丹社区小山公园英语角影响面的越来越大扩大,不仅吸引本社区的英语爱好者,还吸引来自宁波大市区及全北仑的英语爱好者的加入。已成为广大外语爱好者学习与交友的乐园
As the activities are long lasting and have virious programs, Peony community’s English Corner has got a wide influence, and it is still growing gradually, not only the members but also the language learners from the whole area of Ningbo are attracted by it and gatherred here happily. It has become an Eden for the language learners.


Saturday, September 2, 2006

Smiling Yuki

Yuki is a funny girl. Believe it or take a step into her blog, then you will finally find i am not cheating you.
Essays as there are are full of anecdotes in her normal life.
And tasting with a violin concerto "Por Una Cabeza", my feeling just like the fluent notes blowing with the rhythm, then found it's elegant there with no lack of humor.
It is much better than a former short cut, promotional material somewhat. Hehe~

She is rich in her mind, and could finish every task and polish them well in my eyes. What is worst, Alas, she is always so interesting and optimistic with a smile hanging on her cheeks at any time, probably even while sleeping, dining or cleaning her teeth.
She is one of my best friends indeed. I know her a little.
Enjoy her blog, i recommend you strongly!

Friday, September 1, 2006

The day for the term begining

TODAY is for students to jump in their classroom after a lovely summer vacation. Dozens of TODAYs in my life had been passed carelessly. When the moment i realised how i love them, they had already gone without a farewell.
I have been a student for such a long time that even now i see myself a new boy in a school. The fresh air there, the atmosphere of free discussion, even the dorm's light and laghters are so memorable. I am yearning all of these today, especially in this evening.
Is my age of student gone? I hope not. I know something will have a change after all. But i want to taste it once more, and to be a student who is always ready to cast questions without wariness again.
There is someting long lasting in one's heart, and mine is the kind of questioning and discussion and fulfilment of having be tought.
It is going to be tomorrow, have a nice dream TODAY and hope to see you then.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

How to lead a valuable life

For uncountable nights in my life, i have thought much about how to lead a valuable life in my rest decades.
Minutes ago, i got a message from a former schoolmate. She was a smart, hard working, communicative and very considerate girl who owned all these elements that undoubtedly in my eyes i should offer my love to. I asked myself thousands of times if i could give her a happy life. With the answer in my heart, i didn't court such a girl with courage, that was because i was not the man i wanted to be. But i still love her deeply.
I want to be a successful business analyst. I should follow what i believe in is right and my instincts, and not live in anyone else's life.
A further education in statistics is my current dream, so i decide to attend next entrance examination of post-graduate and maybe once more after the next. And the job which i have owned these days dosen't mean a lot from the perspective on my entire life. I was able to finish beautifully what they required me at the interview, but recently they did not ask me to and just sent me to go with a boring internship in the production plant, though something is still undertaking. I do not care the salary, but i seriously want a prospect experience. I know the dogma, and i have heard variety of them.
I just can't see the value in my career here in QL, and the life of the colleague which is been leading for several years is not what i want to copy.
I once followed my instinct, and came here. Sometime in future i may have another one without dogma and prejutice. I should believe in myself and i could lead a better life. In the end, to myself, keep working and keep hungry!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

翻译 [2006.08.24]More media, less news

Special Report
The newspaper industry
More media, less news
Aug 24th 2006From The Economist print edition
Newspapers are making progress with the internet, but most are still too timid, defensive or high-minded
THE first thing to greet a visitor to the Oslo headquarters of Schibsted, a Norwegian newspaper firm, is its original, hand-operated printing press from 1856, now so clean and polished it looks more like a sculpture than a machine. Christian Schibsted, the firm's founder, bought it to print someone else's newspaper, but when the contract moved elsewhere he decided to start his own. Although Schibsted gives pride of place to its antique machinery, the company is in fact running away from its printed past as fast as it can. Having made a loss five years ago, Schibsted's activities on the internet contributed 35% of last year's operating profits.
挪威报业公司Schibsted的总部位于首都奥斯罗。对于去那里参观的人来说,第一件要做的事情就是去探访它那自1856年就开始使用的手工印刷机,这台机器现在看起来依然整洁光亮,让人觉得更像是一座雕刻品而不是能印报纸的机器。公司的创始人Christian Schibsted当初买下这台机器只是为了给别人印报纸的,可是当合同不再让他负责印刷的时候,他决定自己开一家报纸公司。尽管Schibsted公司依旧对自己这台古董式的印刷机引以为豪,但事实上,公司正在尽快的转变过去那种印刷经营模式。Schibsted的网络业务5年前还有过亏损,不过去年占到了营业利润的35%。

News of Schibsted's success online has spread far in the newspaper industry. Every year, says Sverre Munck, the executive vice-president of its international business, Schibsted has to turn away delegations of foreign newspaper bosses seeking to find out how the Norwegians have done it. “Otherwise we'd get several visits every month,” he says. The company has used its established newspaper brands to build websites that rank first and second in Scandinavia for visitors. It has also created new internet businesses such as Sesam, a search engine that competes with Google, and, a portal for classified advertising. As a result, 2005 was the company's best ever for revenues and profits.
Schibsted网络经营的成功消息很快传遍了整个报纸行业。海外业务部的副总经理Sverre Munck说,Schibsted每年都要防止来访的外国代表团把挪威人的成功经验学走。他说:“不这样的话,我们每个月就要接待几次来访”。这家公司用自己的报纸品牌建立了网站,并且在斯堪的纳维亚半岛分列第一和第二。它也开办了新的网络公司,例如和Google竞争的Sesam,还有分类广告门户

Unfortunately for the newspaper industry, Schibsted is a rare exception. For most newspaper companies in the developed world, 2005 was miserable. They still earn almost all of their profits from print, which is in decline. As people look to the internet for news and young people turn away from papers, paid-for circulations are falling year after year. Papers are also losing their share of advertising spending. Classified advertising is quickly moving online. Jim Chisholm, of iMedia, a joint-venture consultancy with IFRA, a newspaper trade association, predicts that a quarter of print classified ads will be lost to digital media in the next ten years. Overall, says iMedia, newspapers claimed 36% of total global advertising in 1995 and 30% in 2005. It reckons they will lose another five percentage points by 2015.
不幸的是,在整个报纸行业中,Schibsted是一个非常罕见的特例。对于发达国家里大多数报纸公司,2005年是痛苦的一年。他们几乎还是在靠自己的印刷品过活,而且这部分利润在逐年缩水。当人们开始从网上了解新闻,年轻人也不喜欢阅读印刷品时,付费报纸发行量年年下滑。报纸也在丧失广告收入的份额。分类广告很快住到了网上。报业贸易协会IFRA的合资咨询公司iMedia,其顾问Jim Chisholm,预测十年后,分类广告的市场将全部被数字媒体占领。总体上,iMedia指出,1995年全球报纸的广告收入占36%,2005年这个数字是30%。它计算,到2015年,报纸还会丧失掉五个百分点。

Even the most confident of newspaper bosses now agree that they will survive in the long term only if, like Schibsted, they can reinvent themselves on the internet and on other new-media platforms such as mobile phones and portable electronic devices. Most have been slow to grasp the changes affecting their industry?“remarkably, unaccountably complacent,” as Rupert Murdoch put it in a speech last year?but now they are making a big push to catch up. Internet advertising is growing rapidly for many and is beginning to offset some of the decline in print.
就算是最自信的报业老板,Schibsted的老板也是一样,都不得不承认,他们只有在互联网、手机、其他能上网设备等,新兴的媒体平台上彻底改造自己的公司,他们才有机会生存下来。Rupert Murdoch去年的演讲中还称,大多数公司开始磨磨蹭蹭的想办法适应这种波及整个行业的影响了---“这太明显了,莫名其妙的自满得意”---但是现在他们的动作快多了。许多公司的互联网广告业务在快速成长并且逐渐取代了一些印刷版的份额。

Newspapers' complacency is perhaps not as remarkable as Mr Murdoch suggested. In many developed countries their owners have for decades enjoyed near monopolies, fat profit margins, and returns on capital above those of other industries. In the past, newspaper companies saw little need to experiment or to change and spent little or nothing on research and development.
报业公司的自满,恐怕还不像Mr Murdoch说的那么温和。在发达国家,报社的老板几十年来享受着近乎垄断的市场,丰厚的利润,更高的行业资本回报率。在过去,报纸公司认为没有什么必要有所革新,所以就基本上不在研究和开发上投资。

Set in print
At first, from the late 1990s until around 2002, newspaper companies simply replicated their print editions online. Yet the internet offers so many specialised sources of information and entertainment that readers can pick exactly what they want from different websites. As a result, people visited newspaper sites infrequently, looked at a few pages and then vanished off to someone else's website.

Another early mistake was for papers to save their best journalists for print. This meant that the quality of new online editions was often poor. Websites hired younger, cheaper staff. The brand's prestige stayed with the old medium, which encouraged print journalists to defend their turf. Still today at La Stampa, an Italian daily paper owned by the Fiat Group, says Anna Masera, the paper's internet chief, print journalists hesitate to give her their stories for fear that the website will cannibalise the newspaper.
另外一个错误,就是报纸把自己最好的新闻力量用在印刷版的报纸上。这就意味着网上提供的新闻质量通常没有那么好。那时,网站雇佣年轻的,廉价的雇员。过去,人们只认识印刷版的品牌,这样就鼓励了那些优秀的新闻记者固守印刷版领地。在意大利,Fiat Group拥有的一个意大利日报La Stampa,其网站总监Anna Masera说,公司的新闻记者们不愿把自己的故事放在网站上,因为他们害怕这样会蚕食报纸的发行量。

For the past couple of years, however, newspapers have been thinking more boldly about what to do on the internet. At its most basic, that means reporting stories using cameras and microphones as well as print. The results can be encouraging. America's Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has introduced a new Emmy award for news and documentaries on the internet, mobile phones and personal media players. Five of the seven nominations for this September have gone to reports by and

It also means being more imaginative. In the late 1990s, the early years of the Wall Street Journal's website, one of the paper's journalists came up with the novel idea of posting online a 573-page document that backed up an article. “It wasn't the most compelling content,” remembers Neil Budde, its founding editor and now general manager of news at Yahoo!, an internet portal. But it was a start. Now newspapers have a better idea of what works online. This is not always traditional journalism as taught in journalism school. Brian Tierney, who became owner of the Philadelphia Inquirer after Knight Ridder sold it last year, noticed that a popular item on the paper's website has been a video of Mentos mints causing a 2-litre bottle of Diet Coke to explode into the air. “We should do more of that,” he says.
这意味着要更有想象力。九十年代末,华尔街日报的一个新闻记者产生了一个新奇想法,他要在公司早期的网站上刊登一份573页的文献,用以支持另一篇文章里的内容。“那还不是最令人佩服的点子” Neil Budde回忆道,这位华尔街日报网站的开山编辑,现在是Yahoo!新闻部门的总经理。但是这只是一个开始。现在的报纸公司知道什么东西应该放在网上。这可不是新闻学校里上的传统新闻学课程。Knight Ridder出售Philadelphia Inquirer后,Brian Tierney就成为了其老板,他发现网站上有一个,装有Mentos薄荷糖的2升可乐瓶在空中爆炸的视频节目非常受欢迎。他说:“我们应该做更多类似的节目”。

More newspaper companies are likely to treat their websites as a priority these days. “Before, newspapers used their second- and third-rate journalists for the internet,” says Edward Roussel, online editorial director at Britain's Telegraph Group, “but now we know we've got to use our very best.” Many companies are putting print journalists in the same room as those who work online, so that print writers are working for the website and vice versa. Some insist that this is a mistake. “It is completely wrong not to separate web and paper operations,” says Oscar Bronner, publisher of Der Standard, a daily paper in Austria. Print journalists don't have time to reflect and analyse properly if they also have to work for the website, he argues.
越来越多的报纸公司现在把自己的网站摆在首位。“以前,报纸公司只派2,3线的新闻记者到互联网上”英国电报集团的网站总编辑,Edward Roussel说,“可是现在,我们明白了,要把最好的记者投入到其中去”。许多公司正把这两方面的工作人员安排在一起工作,这么一来,印刷版报纸的写手同时也在提供网上内容,反过来也一样。一些人还坚信这样做不合适。澳大利亚日报Der Standard的发行商Oscar Bronner说:“不把报纸和网络区分开就完全错了”。他称,印刷版的记者没有时间思考和分析同样的文章是不是在网上也有好的效果。

Running to stand still
How impressive are the results of these online experiments? At lots of newspaper companies, internet advertising is growing by at least 30% a year, and often more. At la Repubblica in Italy, for instance, the paper's website gets about 1m visitors a day, nearly double the circulation of the printed paper. The value of online ads grew by 70% in the first half of 2006. For the first three months of 2006, the Newspaper Association of America announced that advertising for all the country's newspaper websites grew by 35% from the same period in 2005, to a total of $613m. But to put that in perspective, print and online ads together grew by only 1.8%, to $11 billion, because print advertising was flat. At almost all newspapers the internet brings in less than a tenth of revenues and profits. At this point, says Mr Chisholm, “newspapers are halfway to realising an audience on the internet and about a tenth of the way to building a business online.”
这些网上的实践效果有多显著呢?对于许多报纸公司,网络广告业务每年至少增长30%,而且通常更多。例如意大利的la Repubblica,网站每天有1百万的访问量,几乎是报纸发行量的一倍。网络广告的收入在2006年上半年增长了70%。美国报纸协会宣布,2006年的头三个月,全国的报纸网站广告收入与去年同比增长了35%,达到了6亿1千3百万美元。但是,整体上,因为印刷品广告占得份额很大,所以印刷品和网上的广告总收入才增长了1.8%,达到110亿美元。对于几乎所有报纸公司,网络只带来了十分之一的收入和利润。因此,Mr Chisholm说:“报纸公司在对网络读者的认识上还有一半的路要走,对于网络业务的建设方面只走了一成的路”。

The big problem is that readers online bring in nowhere near the revenues that print readers do. All but a handful of papers offer their content free online, so they immediately surrender the cover price of a print copy. People look at fewer pages online than they do in print, which makes web editions less valuable to advertisers. Gavin O'Reilly, president of the World Association of Newspapers in Paris, says that print readers are much more valuable than online readers, who use newspaper websites in a “haphazard and fragmented way”. Vin Crosbie, of Digital Deliverance, a consulting firm, recently estimated that newspapers need between 20 and 100 readers online to make up for losing just one print reader. Many newspaper bosses would say this is too pessimistic: one British paper, for instance, reckons that one print reader is worth ten online. But even that is a daunting multiple.
问题在于网络读者不像印刷版读者那样实实在在的提高了收入。除了报纸,其他的内容在网上都是免费的,所以他们很快就放弃了印刷品。人们阅读的网络页面比他们手里的报纸少,对广告客户来说这一点降低了网络广告的价值。位于巴黎的世界报纸协会,其主席Gavin O'Reilly说,报纸读者比网络读者更有价值,网络读者用“偶然和零乱的方式”使用报纸网站。最近,咨询公司Digital Deliverance的Vin Crosbie估计道,如果失去了一个报纸读者,那么就需要20到100个网络读者来弥补损失。许多报业老板都会说这太悲观了:例如一家英国报纸就计算,这个数字是1比10。不过,即使这样也是一个令人畏缩的倍数。

Newspapers today concentrate on only two parts of the market for internet advertising. They earn little or nothing from internet search, which is bigger than either display or classified ads. Especially in America, newspapers rely heavily on classified ads online and have fewer display ads, says Mr Crosbie. Elsewhere, the pattern may be reversed, but newspapers still lack a broad base of internet-advertising revenue; for instance, Juan Luis Cebrián, chief executive of Grupo PRISA, the owner of El Pais, says the Spanish newspaper is enjoying strong growth in display advertising, but has few online classified ads.
报纸公司现在只专注于互联网广告市场的两个部分。他们基本不从互联网搜索赚钱,而这却比显示性广告和分类广告丰厚。特别是在美国,Mr Crosbie说,报纸公司都十分那依赖在线分类广告,并且还有一些显示性广告。在别处,这种模式也许会被扭转,但是报纸还是缺乏更加形式多样的广告收入模式:例如,PRISA集团的老板兼总经理Juan Luis Cebrián说,西班牙报纸正在享受显示性广告的强劲增长,却几乎没有多少在线分类广告收入。

On the other hand, newspapers' websites have higher profit margins than print does, because they have no newsprint or distribution to pay for. The Wall Street Journal is one of the few papers that charges for its content online. Others may follow suit, especially if growth in advertising slows. The online business model is still in flux, argues Richard Zannino, chief executive of Dow Jones & Company, publisher of the Wall Street Journal. The average price of ad space in the printed paper is now only three times higher than on Wall Street Journal Online, says Mr Zannino, compared with six to seven times for the industry as a whole in America. He expects the relative price of an internet ad to rise.
不过另一方面,报纸公司的网站有比印刷报纸更高的利润率,因为网站不用纸张,也用不着支付递送报纸的费用。华尔街日报是少数几个对其网上内容收费的报纸。其他公司也会跟进,特别是当广告收入增长放缓。华尔街日报的发行商Dow Jones & Company,其总经理Richard Zannino说,网上业务模型还处在不断变化的阶段。Mr Zannino说,与华尔街日报在线版相比,其印刷版的广告平均价格只是它的三倍多,这一数字是整个美国同行业的6到7倍。他预期,整体网络广告相关的价格会上涨。

The secret of making money online, according to Schibsted, is not to rely on news aggregators like Google News and Yahoo!. Three-quarters of traffic to the websites for Schibsted's VG and Aftonbladet comes through their own home-pages and only a quarter from other websites. “If visitors come from Google to stories deep in the paper and then leave,” explains Mr Munck, “Google gets the dollars and we get only cents, but if we can bring them in through the front page we can charge [Eurpean currency label here which can block subsequence]19,000 [$25,000] for a 24-hour banner ad.” In spite of this, most newspapers still depend on news aggregators.
从Schibsted的经验看来,在网上赚钱的秘密不是依靠像Google和Yahoo!那样的新闻聚合器。到Schibsted的VG和Aftonbladet版面的连接,其中有四分之三是从其自己的网站主页来的,只有四分之一来自别处。“如果访问者都是从Google连接到此,浏览网页,之后离开”Mr Munck说:“Google将得到的是美元,而我们得到的是美分,但是如果我们能让这些读者从我们的主页连接到他们想看的内容,我们就能从24小时的标语广告中获取1万9千欧元(2万5千美元)”。大多数报纸公司不屑这样的经验,还是在依赖着新闻聚合器赚钱。

The danger for newspapers is that all their efforts on the internet may only slow their decline. Doing the obvious----having excellent websites and selling ad space on them----may not be enough. The papers with the best chance of seeing their revenues grow are those experimenting with entirely new businesses online and off.

Some are launching profitable new ventures that are only indirectly related to journalism. Schibsted, for instance, has started an online slimming club, called, using its Aftonbladet newspaper brand. charges its 54,000 members [Eurpean currency label here which can block subsequence]50 each every three months. The Telegraph Group in Britain uses the Daily Telegraph to sell readers everything from goose-down pillows to Valentine's Day topiary baskets to insurance. The division now contributes close to a third of the firm's total profits, according to an executive at the company. “Newspapers will have to get into new businesses and extract more value from their audience,” says Paul Zwillenberg, global head of media and entertainment at OC&C Strategy Consultants in London. Examples like these are fairly rare, though. Most newspaper companies still insist that producing high-quality journalism and distributing it in new ways will be enough to keep them growing.
对与新闻没有直接联系的项目投资是有利可图。例如,Schibsted用它Aftonbladet品牌的报纸开办了一个网上减肥俱乐部。在5万4千名会员中,Viktklubben.se对位会员每三周收取50欧元会费。英国电报集团通过其每日电报,向读者出售鹅绒软毛枕头,瓦伦丁的日常灌木丛篮子,和包括保险在内的各种东西。公司的一位高级主管透露,这部分收入接近公司总收入的第三大项。位于伦敦的战略咨询公司OC&C,其媒体和娱乐部门的全球主管Paul Zwillenberg 说:“报纸要投入到新业务当中去,并且发掘出读者更多的价值”。不过类似上面这两个例子的公司还十分罕见。许多报纸公司仍然坚信,要保持增长,就要推出高质量的报章杂志,并且用新的方法递送。

It's the journalism, stupid
Consultants advising newspaper groups argue that they need to adjust their output. Research into the tastes of mainstream newspaper readers has long shown that people like short stories and news that is relevant to them: local reporting, sports, entertainment, weather and traffic. On the internet, especially, says Mr Chisholm, they are looking to enhance their way of life. Long pieces about foreign affairs are low on readers' priorities----the more so now that the internet enables people to scan international news headlines in moments. Coverage of national and international news is in any case a commodity often almost indistinguishable from one newspaper to the next. This impression is exacerbated as papers seek to save money by sacking reporters and taking copy from agencies such as Reuters. “Our research shows that people are looking for more utility from newspapers,” says Sammy Papert, chief executive of Belden Associates, a firm that specialises in research for American newspapers. People want their paper to tell them how to get richer, and what they might do in the evening.
为报纸公司服务的咨询顾问们称,这些公司要调整自己的产量。对读者阅读口味的研究早就指出,人们喜欢与他们生活相关的短故事和新闻:地方消息,体育,娱乐,天气和交通。Mr Chisholm说,尤其是在互联网上,人们在寻找提高其生活质量的方法。海外事务的长篇大论的优先级很低----现在更是如此,因为互联网让人们瞬间就可以搜查到国际新闻的标题。难以区分每份报纸中的国内国际新闻的封面。读者这样的映像加剧了这么一种情况,报纸公司为了省钱,它们大肆洗劫记者那里的消息并且从路透社一样的通讯社机构劫掠新闻副本。一个专门研究美国报纸的公司Belden Associates,其总经理Sammy Papert 说:“我们的研究表明,人们要从报纸中得到更多有实用性价值的东西”。人们希望报纸可以告诉自己怎么富起来,还有晚上的事该怎么做。(哈哈)

Few newspaper companies like to hear this and they tend to ignore the research they have paid for. Most journalists, after all, would rather cover Afghanistan than personal finance. But some are starting to listen. Gannett, the world's biggest newspaper group, is trying to make its journalism more local. It has invested in “mojos” ----mobile journalists with wireless laptops who permanently work out of the office encamped in community hubs. Morris Communications, based in Augusta, Georgia, recently launched a new home-delivered free paper for Bluffton, a fast-growing area of Beaufort, South Carolina, called Bluffton Today, with a page of national news, one of international and the rest “hyper-local”. Its website has pictures and blogs from readers and detailed community information. “Back in the 1940s and 1950s papers used to be full of what we call ‘chicken-dinner news’ ----the speakers at civic clubs and whose daughter won a blue ribbon in canoeing,” says Will Morris, the firm's president. “But then newspapers started to lose touch with their readers.”
在这些研究上花了钱,可还是没多少新闻公司听得进去这样的话,他们倾向于把这些话抛到脑后。大部分记者,比起个人理财来说,终究更喜欢撰写阿富汗事务。不过有些公司开始倾听这样的声音了。全球最大的新闻集团Gannett,正在努力让自己的记者团队更加本地化。它投资“mojos” ----配有无线上网移动笔记本的记者,这些人不在办公室工作,他们在社区中心扎营。位于奥古斯塔和乔治亚州的Morris通讯,最近为Bluffton地区启动了一个新的无纸家庭递送服务。Bluffton是波佛特海快速成长的地区,它位于南加州,现在叫Bluffton。这项服务有一页内容的国内新闻,一条国际新闻,其它的都是“超本地”的。它的网站里有读者的图片和blog,还有详尽的社区信息。公司的主管Morris 说:“回到40年代和50年代报纸中去,经常都是关于‘鸡肉庆祝晚宴的新闻’----城市酒吧的喇叭里传来了谁的女儿赢得了独木舟比赛的蓝带”。“但也就是那个时候,报纸开始失去了和读者的联系”。

The more adventurous newspaper companies, like Morris Communications, are showing themselves willing to embrace content and opinions from readers. Rather like OhmyNews, a Korean “citizen-journalism” operation that many people think heralds the future for news-gathering, Schibsted exhorts its readers to send information and photographs. When a mentally disturbed man ran amok and killed people on a tram in Oslo in 2004, it was a reader with a mobile-phone camera who sent VG its front-page picture of the arrest. At Zero Hora, a Brazilian paper owned by RBS Group, the circulation department asks 120 readers what they think of the paper every day and Marcelo Rech, the editor, receives a report at 1pm. “They usually want more of our supplements on cooking and houses and less of Hizbullah and earthquakes,” says Mr Rech.
像Morris通讯,越来越多有魄力的报业公司愿意接受读者的满意度和意见。不像韩国的“公民新闻”业务OhmyNews,许多人将其看作是未来的新闻一箩筐,Schibsted恳请读者反馈一些信息和照片。2004年奥斯陆的一精神分裂男子疯狂的在有轨电车上杀人时,是一个读者用自己的手机拍下了此人被捕的照片,并登上了VG的封面。在RBS集团下属的巴西报纸Zero Hora,每天,发行部门都会询问120名读者,征求他们对当日报纸的看法。编辑Marcelo Rech就会在下午1点得到一份读者报告。Mr Rech说:“通常,人们希望我们的报纸能够提供更多有关烹饪和住房的内容,少一些真主党和地震的消息”。

Still more changes to the content and form of newspapers are likely as businesspeople gain power at newspaper firms. “You won't be able to have many sacred cows...Newspaper companies will have to become more commercial,” says Henrik Poppe, a partner in McKinsey. Some leading titles, including the Wall Street Journal, have recently decided to put advertisements on the front page for the first time. For the moment, the trend towards greater commercialism is most evident in America, but is likely to spread elsewhere as newspaper companies struggle financially. At the Philadelphia Inquirer, Mr Tierney, a former advertising executive, shocked people by announcing that he would bring in an advertising person to redesign the paper----traditionally a task strictly for editorial. In future, businesspeople are likely to insist that newspapers adopt practices that are already standard in other industries. Mr Tierney, for instance, says it is unreasonable to expect everyone from the age of 18 to 88 to buy the same product. The industry needs to sell papers for different age and demographic groups, he says.
不过,就像人们在报纸公司里面争夺权力一样,报纸仍然有许多内容和形式上的变化。麦肯锡的合伙人Henrik Poppe 说:“你不会看到很多纯洁的报纸…这些公司会变得更加商业化”。像华尔街日报,龙头报纸们近来都罕见的把广告放登在了首页上。此时,在美国,重商主义的趋势更甚,但是很有可能波及不到报业,因为这些公司都陷入了财务困难。根据费城调查机构的调查,一位前广告主管Mr Tierney,语出惊人的宣称他要雇佣一个广告人来重新设计报纸面版----这种工作传统上都是主编做的。未来,报纸也会采用其他行业中的标准。例如,Mr Tierney说如果让18岁到88岁的人购买同样的东西,那这就太没有道理了。他说,要依据年龄和人口统计来出售报纸。

The most shocking development for traditional newspapers has been the wild success of free dailies, which like the internet have proved enormously popular with young people. Roughly 28m copies of free newspapers are now printed daily, according to Metro International, a Swedish firm that pioneered them in 1995. In markets where they are published, they account for 8% of daily circulation on average, according to iMedia. That share is rising. In Europe they make up 16% of daily circulation. Metro calculates that it spends half the proportion of its total costs on editorial that paid-for papers do. In practice that means a freesheet with a circulation of about 100,000 employing 20 journalists, whereas a paid-for paper would have around 180. Metro's papers reach young, affluent readers and are even able to charge a premium for advertising in some markets compared with paid-for papers.
传统报纸公司的最大的进步在于其免费日报的广泛成功,就像互联网可以让年轻人享受各种流行事物一样。1995年就开始研究这个领域的瑞士公司Metro International粗略估计,全球每天大概印刷了2千8百万份免费报纸。iMedia的数字是,在市场上刊印的免费报纸占到了日报总发行量的8%。这部分的比例正在增长。在欧洲,这个数字高达16%。Metro的计算指出,免费报纸的社论成本是收费报纸的一半。实际上这意味着,需要10万份免费报纸的发行量才可以让广告收入足以雇佣20个记者,而收费报纸只需要卖出180份就够了。Metro报纸的读者群年轻富有,比起收费报纸,它甚至还可以在某些市场上对广告收取附加费。

“The biggest enemy of paid-for newspapers is time,” says Pelle T?rnberg, Metro's chief executive. Mr T?rnberg says the only way that paid-for papers will prosper is by becoming more specialised, raising their prices and investing in better editorial. People read freesheets in their millions, on the other hand, because Metro and others reach them on their journey to work, when they have time to read, and spare them the hassle of having to hand over change to a newsagent.
Metro 的总经理Pelle T?rnberg 说:“收费报纸最大的敌人就是时间”。Mr T?rnberg说收费报纸复兴的唯一方法就是,变得更加独特,提高费用,并且投资制作更好的社论。上百万人阅读免费报纸,不过都是在上班路上阅读像Metro这样的免费报纸。当读者比较有空阅读的时候,它们还会与读者分享那些是否要把报纸公司变成通讯社的争论。

Some traditional newspaper firms dismiss free papers, saying they are not profitable. Carlo De Benedetti, chairman of Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso, publisher of la Repubblica, for instance, says that Metro loses money in Italy and that other freesheets are struggling. Globally, however, Metro has just become profitable.
一些传统报纸公司解散了免费报纸业务,因为它们称其不赚钱。例如la Repubblica的发行商Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso,其主席Carlo De Benedetti就说Metro在意大利亏损,而且其它的免费报纸也在煎熬着。但是在全球范围上,Metro是盈利的。

Consultants say that lots of traditional newspaper companies are planning to hold their noses and launch free dailies. In France, for instance, Le Monde is planning a new free daily, and Mr Murdoch's News International is preparing a new free afternoon paper for London, to be launched next month. Deciding whether or not to start a freesheet, indeed, perfectly encapsulates the unpalatable choice that faces the paid-for newspaper industry today as it attempts to find a future for itself. Over the next few years it must decide whether to compromise on its notion of “fine journalism” and take a more innovative, more businesslike approach----or risk becoming a beautiful old museum piece.
顾问们说许多传统报纸公司无奈的开始顺应潮流,创办免费日报。例如,在法国,Le Monde在策划的一种新的免费日报,Mr Murdoch的News International正在为伦敦准备的一个新的免费晚报,都将在下个月开始发行。对于寻找出路的收费报纸来说,决定开办免费报纸的确是一剂苦药。在接下来的几年里,它们必须决定是否要放弃“杰出报刊”的理念,转而走更加富有创新力、更加商业化的路----不然就会成为博物馆当中的藏品。

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"News" in today

Here is a long SPECIAL REPORT in hand. Something about the "News industry". And it costs my whole night in dormitory today. It has 6 paragraghes left which i decided to finish their translation tomorrow. If i could finish in time with proofreading, then you will see it tomorrow. But now, i am sleepy, i gonna to wake up early next morning as i usually do in these day for doing something about reciting the articles from New Concept English IV. Good Night!

Monday, August 28, 2006

翻译 [2006.08.17]Obituary


Alfredo Stroessner
Aug 24th 2006
From The Economist print edition
General Alfredo Stroessner Matiauda,
dictator of Paraguay, died on August 16th, aged 93

乌拉圭的独裁者,Alfredo Stroessner Matiauda将军于 8月16日逝世,享年93岁

NOT only Africa has a heart of darkness. South America has one too, squeezed in the tight embrace of Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. Two great rivers, the Paraguay and the Paraná, flow through Paraguay and past it, but travellers have little reason to come to this empty, landlocked place. The dry western chaco has no gold or oil, though wars were fought on the supposition it did; the east is more fertile, but still poor. The people are mostly Indian farmers, the army dangerously unpredictable. It is good ground for dictators.

For 35 years, from 1954 to 1989, Alfredo Stroessner ruled there. Under him, although he brought electrification, asphalt roads and friendship with America, the place became yet more isolated and benighted. The economy was based on contraband: whisky, cigarettes, passports, coffee, cocaine, luxury cars, rare bird skins, anything, until the unofficial value of Paraguay's exports was said to be three times the official figure. The style of government was a spoils system, underpinned by terror of a vicious network of spies and secret police. Foreign policy was a buddies' brigade with other dictators----Videla of Argentina, Pinochet of Chile----to co-ordinate counter-terrorism and assassinations. And the most famous tourist was Josef Mengele, the fugitive doctor of Auschwitz, riding into a village in the Paraguayan wilderness to be welcomed and protected.
从1954年到1989年的35年间,Alfredo Stroessner统治着那里。尽管他给当地带来了电气化和沥青马路,并与美国建立了良好的外交关系,但是在他的统治下,这个国家却变得更加孤立更加愚昧。当地经济也是通过非法买卖繁荣起来的:威士忌,香烟,护照,咖啡,可卡因,高档轿车,稀有禽皮等,乌拉圭非官方出口收入曾一度高达官方数字的三倍。政府就是一个强权系统,全国遍布着恐怖间谍网络和秘密警察。外交政策就是独裁者之间哥们儿般的关系----像阿根廷的Videla,智利的Pinochet----他们一起协调反恐和暗杀行动。那什么样的旅行者会来这里呢?最著名的就是奥斯维新集中营的纳粹医生Josef Mengele了,他逃到乌拉圭的野外村庄,并且受到欢迎和保护。

General Stroessner himself was not seen much. His blue-eyed portrait, in white uniform with gold braid and multiple medals, stared down from walls in offices and private houses alike; but he was stocky and dull, the typical son of a German immigrant brewer, and preferred desk-duties to speeches and parades. He would work, breaking only for siesta, from six in the morning until nine at night. Much of his day was spent, like some Roman emperor, receiving the petitions of the long lines of ordinary citizens who filed towards his inner sanctum.

He did not give interviews to the press, having no wish to reveal himself. A single conversation, with Isabel Hilton of Granta when he had just begun his long exile in Brasilia in 1989, is almost all obituarists have to go on. In this he prided himself especially on bringing Paraguay peace. He had avoided “negative political movements”, imposing stability and order. As he said the word, orden, he rolled it sensuously round his mouth. But it had a different meaning for him: the political opponent “disappearing” in a bricked-up cell, the newspaper ABC Color closed down for five years, or the “communist” agitator (he saw such phantoms everywhere, they unloosed American aid) silenced by near-drowning in a bath of dirty water. He told Ms Hilton there had been no torture. But five tonnes of secret-police files turned up three years later, stacked from floor to ceiling of a police station in suburban Asunción, to give the lie to that.
他从来没有接受过媒体采访,不愿意展示自己。1989年当他开始巴西利亚的流放生活时,他和Granta的Isabel Hilton的一段单独对话几乎让所有死亡新闻记者撰写了它讣告。在对话中,他尤其为自己给巴拉圭带来了和平而感到自豪。他避免了“消极的政治运动”,并带来了令人难忘的稳定和秩序。正如他将orden这个词发音非常饱满。但是他眼里的这个词却是指:政治对手在监狱里“消失”,ABC彩色报纸停办5年,还有“共产主义”煽动者(他随处可见这些幻影,这些人不要美国的援助)因为差点被赃水溺死而默不作声。他告诉Ms Hilton,从来没有严刑拷打发生过。然而3年后,重达5吨的秘密警局档案,其整整装满了Asunción郊区的一个警察局,证明了他说的话是假的。

A party of his own

His main machine of power was not the army. Although he was a distinguished soldier, rising to brigadier-general by the age of 36, and indeed had done nothing else in life since he was 17, he did not trust military men. He himself had skilfully ridden the divisions in the army to seize power from a civilian president in 1954. His policy was to keep the officers sweet with a cut from the smuggling revenues or a share of the contracts for his grandest project, the Itaipu hydroelectric plant built with Brazil on the Paraná. Some cronies amassed fortunes. General Andrés Rodríguez, who eventually overthrew him in what he contemptuously called a cuartelazo, or barracks revolt, built himself a replica of the Palace of Versailles.
他的权利机器主要还不是军队。虽然他是一个著名的军人,36岁就成为了准将,而且的确从17岁开始就没有过什么作为,但是他不信任军人。自从1954年当上平民总统以后,他本人还是能够很出色的通过驾驭军队里的分裂状况来巩固自己的权力。他用一部分走私收入和一部分电厂的股份来笼络官员,这个Itaipu电厂是和巴西一起在巴拉纳河上建的水电站。任人唯亲聚敛财富。最后,Andrés Rodríguez将军推翻了他的政权,之后给自己建了一个类似凡尔赛宫的官邸,Stroessner轻蔑的称之为cuartelazo,也就是军事政变。

As a firmer, more loyal base than these soldiers, General Stroessner used the Colorado (“Red”) party, a right-wing body that became steadily more so as its moderate politicians were ejected. Membership of the party was compulsory for all teachers, doctors, engineers, officers or those who hoped for government service. In a population of 3.8m, 900,000 belonged to it, their party dues docked from their salaries. Every four years, in a conspicuous show of phoney democracy, General Stroessner stood as the Colorado candidate and was elected, sometimes----as his supporters joked----with more than 100% of the vote. He won eight straight elections, and the constitutional bar to three consecutive terms or more was quietly set aside.

There was some resistance. The Catholic church got restive, especially when the general ignored calls for land reform from the indigenous poor. The Americans, fed up at last with his wiliness and his human-rights abuses, began to part company with him in the late 1970s. Paraguayans as a whole, however, were much slower to be disillusioned. It was true that he treated the country as his fief, to the point of picking out teenage girls for himself when he presented school diplomas; but he paid for the girls, set them up in houses, and gave their relatives money. You could argue that the Itaipu project left Paraguay with only 2% of the energy and 15% of the contracts; but that 15% had given the country, for eight years in the 1970s, the highest rate of growth in Latin America. General Stroessner was a master-dispenser of illegal spoils. Yet the dark truth of his Paraguay was that he co-opted even his opponents into that system with him.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A common day

When i opened my eyes at 7:30 or so this morning, it seems gonna to be a common sunday without doubt that filled in my previous life.
I am doing some translations these days, articles from the Economist. And there is an obituary today which is a totally new type i have ever had in hand. It's about the death of a former dictator of Paraguay who was a real terrible mammal. The obituary or it's 'monster', however, is not today's focus in this essay. And i am going to show you a discussion which somehow i was a main actor there.
A senior QQ group is the stage, which initially established by a few of people with a great passion of stranslation of Economist for borth Chinese readers and translation communications.
It's about 3:30 to almost 5 this afternoon, and an strange idea burst in my mind.

And what is below is the records from my QQ chat, which kept the whole story.
The ID "虫子" is mine in use.
How about chat with english,and no chinese permitted is better
gardenia(411576675) 15:32:34
support!I wanted improve my english when I entered this group,however,I'm very disappointed because a lot of communication is in chinese
虫子(39252241) 15:33:18
wow, sb gave A positive response
gardenia(411576675) 15:34:15
no others respond?

虫子(39252241) 15:35:06
there will be
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:35:28
It is necessary?
gardenia(411576675) 15:36:21
why are you here,just talk in chinese?

吃龙猪(54758224) 15:37:12
why are you here,just talk in english?
gardenia(411576675) 15:37:35
虫子(39252241) 15:37:59
it depends on these members "right" whether necessary or not
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:38:46
虫子(39252241) 15:40:58
by the way, the type of your defendness can also be classified as an aye,
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:41:28
I think is not all people is willing to speak English with you
大头文(372291232) 15:42:22
I think is? ;两个动词
gardenia(411576675) 15:42:39
freedom of talk
虫子(39252241) 15:42:30
no matter, as long as there is one like you
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:43:07
是is not
能者无疆(344677357) 15:43:30
gardenia(411576675) 15:43:49
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:43:56
gardenia(411576675) 15:45:05
虫子,what's you major
虫子(39252241) 15:45:05
"i think not all of them have the willingness to speak with you guy"
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:45:43
虫子(39252241) 15:45:39
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:45:50
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:46:01
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:46:17
通常都说with you guys
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:46:26
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:46:52
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:47:37
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:47:45
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:47:53
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:48:01

虫子(39252241) 15:47:52
you'd better to correct me with english if you are really good in english
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:48:07
谁知道比较流行的“顶”用英语怎么说 15:48:35
to echo Field of Dream
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:48:37
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:48:55
had better 后面没有to
Yoghurt(331244187) 15:49:01

吃龙猪(54758224) 15:49:22
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:49:28
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:49:32
虫子(39252241) 15:49:24
my english is poor,thank you honesly, and deeply for your correction
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:50:03
trying to pay close heed to what you said
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:50:10
is not a simple task
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:50:15
man , but
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:50:27
you can do it in case that you want
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:51:00
it is all dependent on the words and phraises you used

高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:51:11
the more familiar, the better
虫子(39252241) 15:51:32
thank you for your suggestions
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:52:00
me too
虫子(39252241) 15:52:06
i do have made mistakes
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:52:24
however, this is very much of an energy-consuming job particularly in a one-one communication

高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:55:46
i apologize if i have been a bit offensive on the basis that i was beginning to wonder one doing this might be ruining other people's laguage structure
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:56:44
which is also why i said you should secure the accuracy of the words you used without being very being very effective
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:57:30
心远地自偏(475195908) 15:57:35
吃龙猪(54758224) 15:58:11
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:58:15
that is what i wanted to say,
高翻难惨了(43780904) 15:58:33
you guys stay cool , i am outa here 15:58:40
虫子(39252241) 15:59:27
one who don't utter his english while thirst for perfect english is a fool, that why i make a proposition. and 100% accuracy is impossible for most of us.
虫子(39252241) 16:00:24
all is about practice
虫子(39252241) 16:03:38
accuracy, who care if you are not born in an english-speaking country, true, it is better to say with a refined, elegant english, but we are learners, don't you think so?
虫子(39252241) 16:07:31
by the way, i am glad to see your statement, especially in english, but don't, don't unnerve these people just like you and me
nEo(79433965) 16:08:24
ok got it:)
虫子(39252241) 16:09:11
thank you Cap.
nEo(79433965) 16:10:21
nEo(79433965) 16:10:42
nEo(79433965) 16:10:47
练习练习 16:10:53
nEo(79433965) 16:11:18
just for fun and practice.说的不对的地方,大家共同指正。
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:12:50
this totally blows my mind 16:13:01
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:13:21
既然要说就说把 尽量少犯错误 否则教错了别人麻烦了
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:13:45
nEo(79433965) 16:13:52
nEo(79433965) 16:14:24
nEo(79433965) 16:14:33
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:14:43
也不知道对错 我没有别得意思, 只要单词都拼对
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:14:49
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:14:52
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:14:59
心远地自偏(475195908) 16:15:03
nEo(79433965) 16:15:06

高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:15:14
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:15:24
nEo(79433965) 16:15:34
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:16:23
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:16:34
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:16:48
高翻难惨了(43780904) 16:17:03
nEo(79433965) 16:17:06
nEo(79433965) 16:17:28
nEo(79433965) 16:17:33
nEo(79433965) 16:18:28
以我学习粤语的经验来看,1 要敢说 2 不怕错 3 记住自己不是广东人,能让别人听懂就行。
虫子(39252241) 16:19:13
one reason why people can promote thier english abroad greatly, it is the touchable atmosphere there, and why we cann't have one here?
nEo(79433965) 16:19:24
nEo(79433965) 16:20:13
虫子(39252241) 16:26:21
if i can not have a perfect english.i prefer Chenglish than incapable english, for i do not have either foreign friends or chat friends who chat with english my Cap. Sometimes,when i wanna to say english ,i just can't find where he/she is.

Jesus! It gonna be tomorrow, and thank godness that i finished this today.