翻译[2006.9.21][Obituary]Oriana Fallaci
Oriana Fallaci
Sep 21st 2006From The Economist print edition
Oriana Fallaci, journalist and fighter, died on September 15th, aged 77
Oriana Fallaci,一位记者,一名斗士,于9月15日安详往生,享年77岁FAINTHEARTS may prefer not to say that the West is at war with terror. But Oriana Fallaci, Italy's fiercest and most famous journalist, had no doubt at all. She felt it “at nine o'clock on the dot” on the morning of September 11th 2001, in her brownstone house in the middle of Manhattan, before she had heard or seen anything she could put a finger on: “the sensation one feels in war, as a matter of fact in combat, when with every pore of your skin you feel the incoming bullet or rocket, and your ears perk up and you scream to those next to you: ‘Down! Get down!’”
也许懦夫们不愿意称西方世界正处于和恐怖主义的战争之中。但是Oriana Fallaci,这位意大利最尖锐凶猛,最有名气的记者坚信事实的确如此。在2001年9月11日的上午“9点整”,在曼哈顿中心的上流豪宅里,在她弄明白究竟怎么回事之前,她体会到 “那种感觉就像在战争中,近一步,更像是处于搏斗时一个人的感触,你皮肤上的每一个毛孔都感到呼啸而来的子弹或火箭,你竖起耳朵并对周围的人喊道:‘趴下!快!快趴下!’”。
Years of experience had primed her for this moment. Her teenage work as a resistance fighter in and around Nazi-occupied Florence, codename “Emilia”, carrying messages and explosives. Reporting from war zones in South America, the Middle East and Vietnam, where a note on her rucksack instructed that her body should be sent to the Italian ambassador “if KIA”. Near-death in the Mexico City massacre of 1968, shot and left lying among heaps of dead beside an “execution wall”. Her waif-like body, with perfect cheekbones and hair sometimes plaited like a schoolgirl's, suggested that she lacked the strength for this sort of life. But she was a tiger.
Anyone who doubted that had only to be interviewed by her. From the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s she sought out the powerful, collecting such a string of famous pelts that in the end they jostled to be asked. At first she played feminine and demure; then, pouncing and insulting, she would rip out the innards of her victims. She made Henry Kissinger admit that he saw himself as a lone cowboy leading the herd, and drew from Pakistan's Zulfiqar Bhutto such words about India that peace between the two countries was held up for a time. Meeting Ayatollah Khomeini, she appeared barefoot and in a chador; but before long that “medieval rag” was flung boldly off, sending him scuttling away.
怀疑这一点的人真应该去接受她的采访。从上世纪60年代中期到80年代中期,她专挑那些有权势有地位的专政者,这些名人最后都恨不得逃出她的质问。从一开始的文雅端庄,逐渐过渡到尖锐犀利,她能让她的受害者气急败坏。让亨利基辛格承认自己是一个孤独的放牧人,还让巴基斯坦的Zulfiqar Bhutto总理透露与印度的和平只是暂时的。会见Ayatollah Khomeini[注释1]时,她赤着脚,身着chador[注释2];但是没过多久,她就大胆地把那件“中世纪的抹布”脱掉了,臊得那位精神领袖急忙离开。
Men of this sort, “abusers of power”, both fascinated and repelled her. She dwelled on Yasser Arafat's swollen belly and his red, fleshy lips; she thought Khomeini the most handsome old man she had ever seen. As she talked to Werner von Braun, a former Nazi who was then directing America's space programme, she realised that his sweet-sour smell was the same lemon disinfectant soap used by the Nazis in Florence.
她对这类“滥权者”,既着迷又憎恶。她仔细打量过亚西尔?阿拉法特那挺起来的肚子和红厚的嘴唇;她认为Khomeini[注释1]是她见过的最有魅力的老男人。当她和前纳粹成员后来主导过美国空间开发项目的Werner von Braun[注释3]交谈时,她发现他身上的甜酸型香味和佛罗伦萨纳粹党用的柠檬香皂一个味道。
She could always sniff out tyranny, and after that September morning in Manhattan, she knew definitively where it lay. Suddenly she was in the front line again, solid with her adored America against the Muslim enemy. “Duty to her culture” required her to write for hours at a stretch in furious isolation, living on cigarillos and on her nerves, to produce books called “The Rage and the Pride” and “The Force of Reason”, her “weapons of truth”.
The real enemy
It was a strange sort of truth. On every page, legitimate fears for democracy and liberty were laced with nonsense and bile. Moderate Islam, she wrote, did not exist. Islam was “a pool that never purifies”. All Muslims were bent on invading Europe and turning it into a “Eurabia” of veiled women and sharia law. Assimilation was a delusion; they did not want it. Already Miss Fallaci had heard the wailing of imams in the hills of Tuscany, and had seen Somali urine staining the Baptistery in Florence. Soon, she supposed, Muslim men would “shit in the Sistine Chapel”.
Anti-racism groups flew to indict her; defenders of free speech somewhat cautiously embraced her. Right-wing mayors of Italian towns gave her gold medals. Her books sold in the millions, and when she died she was delightedly facing trial for defaming a religion. Although she was an atheist, she had found a “soul-mate” in Pope Benedict XVI, and would have revelled in his unwise words about Islam.
For her, the enemy was always essentially the same: “fascism”, whether in the shape of Mussolini's black-shirts or Islamist suicide-bombers. But tyranny also appeared in another guise. Her real obsession, she admitted, was death.
They had tussled for a long time. Her great love, Alex Panagoulis, a leader of Greek resistance to the colonels, died in 1976 in a car crash possibly rigged by his enemies. She had lost his child in pregnancy. At 16 she chose a writer's life because typed words did not die, like talk, but stayed on the paper. She reported wars to express her hatred for man's mortality.
许多事情折磨了她很久。她的最爱,希腊抵抗运动领导人Alex Panagoulis死于1976年的一起车祸,那很可能是一起政治谋杀。妊娠期间她失去了自己的孩子。16岁的她,踏上了作家之路,因为文字与口头对话一样永存,不同的是文字留传于纸。她报道战事,为的是表达自己对生灵涂炭那刻骨的痛恨。
Her fight against “the Other One”, as she called her cancer, was a war like no other. She forbade her doctors to mention death; they were to talk to her about life. Reduced to taking only fluids, she would drink champagne. Nothing was allowed to diminish her energy for writing, cooking and leaping from her chair with a scream of “Mamma Mia!” at the folly of the world.
她还与“另一样东西”作斗争,她说那是她的癌症,一场迥然不同的战争。她不许自己的医生提及死亡;只准和她探讨生活。当病情恶化到只能吃流食的程度时,她宁愿去喝香槟。[原来我译成了:当谈及流逝的事物时,为了让话题仅限于此,她会要一杯香槟。]没有什么事情能够被允许去熄灭她对写作,烹饪的热情,以及从椅子上蹦起来傻乎乎的尖叫到“Mamma Mia!”。
Yet her own death was not her chief concern. She mourned the slow death of Western civilisation, its lack of pride and self-esteem, its cowardice before the Muslim “hordes”. If terrorists were prepared to die for Islam, she would have the passion to oppose them. Her words carried the ring of deliberate provocation, challenging the Islamists to put a fatwa on her and raise a sword to behead her. In which case, before the bastards dared, she would toss back her hair, fix them with a glare and declare, in her best Italian snarl, “Fuck you.”
自己的死还不是她最关心的。她悲痛地咕哝着,西方文明中的某些东西消退的太慢,那缺乏自豪,自尊和自身优越感,以及对穆斯林“乌合之众”到来前的懦弱。如果恐怖分子准备好了为伊斯兰而死,她也会满腔热情地去与这些人一决雌雄。她的言词中带有蓄意的挑衅,挑逗着伊斯兰教徒对她进行裁决并亲自剑刃其首。在这种关头下,在那些杂种们下手之前,她会甩好自己的长发,怒目而视,用她操持的最熟练的意大利语怒吼到“Fuck You!”
[1].Ayatollah Khomeini(A.O.R.M.Khomeini,1902?1989)伊朗伊斯兰教什叶派领袖、伊朗最高首脑。
[3].沃纳?冯?布劳恩(Wernher von Braun,1912年3月23日?1977年6月16日),德国火箭专家。著名的V1和V2火箭的总设计师。纳粹德国战败后,美国将他和他的设计小组带到美国。移居美国后,任美国国家航空航天局的空间研究开发项目的主设计师,主持设计了阿波罗4号。
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