Thursday, September 7, 2006

Views on relationship

Here is the hyper-link of the posts.

Mine is below:

Jane, definitely!

I have never fallen in love. But careful observations from the relationship of my prarents, my grandparents and of other marriages around me, make me be able to taste what you typed above deeply. Your post probably started from your view of a special everylasting relationship, it's subtle view really.

Consorts owe a lot to each other, much different from that of an adorer who had just fallen in love with the other. It changes after all, like the bilateral relationship between two countries. Quarrels and misunderstanding are inevitable, and we will inevitably ignore the dot which is always negtive to the relationship. And then, they accumulate to such an extent that eventually one burst out with his or her discontentment. Both of them are hurted. It goes with fluctuations all the time, but what makes the difference between marriage and biliteral relationship is love. Love is the tool to heals the wound, is the nature that we all started with when we were still in uterus.

Relationship has a range. From hatred to love, human beings have created different verbs to express. I hate you, i dislike you,...... i like you, i love you.
Love is all what we need, and thoroughly determines the way we see relationship.
say, I love your article, Jane.

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